Monday, July 6, 2009

Here I go again...

I had a blast hanging out with my boys in Pop Evil last night as they opened up for Whitesnake and Judas Priest at the Chevrolet Theater in Connecticut. I first got there while they were doing a sound check, I am a bit of a techno-gear slut, so it was fun to look at all the cool equipment their using...

Pop Evil did a kick ass job winning the crowd after a few songs then continued on to tear it up for the rest of their set. Tony, the lead guitar player, does an insanely awesome solo as part of the show, which really kicks the audience's ass in the face. Matt bounced around the stage, Dylan held it down on the drums, and Dave rocked out with his mohawk out. DJ Donnie D was missed as he wasn't on this leg of the tour but hopefully he'll be back soon.

Leigh really worked the hell out of the crowd and toward the end of the set, Pop Evil threw in a chorus of Pantera's "Walk" right in the middle of their hit song "Hero"

When the set was over the crowd was on its feet as I looked on like a proud parent. I love those guys and think they are doing a super kick ass job. I really miss being out on the road with them.

Afterward I hung out on their bus for a bit, where I discovered that Dave has a Tinkerbell night light in his bunk with sheets, blankets and a pillowcase to match! Hilarious.

Check out Pop Evil on myspace->

Dave Coverdale up to his pants in antics.

Whitesnake was thoroughly entertaining and well aware of their own aburdity. One of the highlights was the 10 minute guitar battle which displayed a blistering barrage of impossibly fast soloing between the two guitar players. Dave Coverdale worked the crowd like a veteran and indulged in all of his trademark moves. The whole crowd sang along to their classic hit "Here I go again!"

Priest rocking some British Steel and up to their buds in studs.

Three songs in, Priest launched right into breakin' the what??? "BREAKIN' THE WHAT?!!!" That's right, "Breakin' the law!" They did their synchronized head banging and rocking back and forth while playing that famous riff, which was a lot of fun to watch! The crowd went crazy during and after every one of their songs, and I even got to watch a bit of the show from the side of the stage!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Billy Mays - End of Days?

As he travels off into the great big infomercial in the sky, we remember the master Pitchman himself, Billy Mays. As co-star of the hit reality TV show Pitchmen, the boisterously blaring Mays could really yell you... er.. I mean sell you on any product out there!

RIP Billy Mays

What a crazy week this has been! I can't believe all of the bad news of these celebrity deaths. Who is next?

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Michael Jackson 1958-2009

I have always admired Michael Jackson's discipline and originality. What made him unique was not just that he could sing and dance, it was that nobody else could do it quite like him. If I've learned anything in life it's that you need to be different. You need separate yourself from the pack when it comes to whatever you do... and make it look easy.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ed McMahon | 1923-2009

Great guy that Ed McMahon. Always searching for stars, knocking on their door and surprising them with a giant check and constantly laughing at their bloopers and practical jokes. We'll miss you and with that I say HEY-OH!

Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland


It's hard to imagine anyone else besides Burton directing this movie, though I'd be very curious to see what David Lynch would have done with this Lewis Carroll classic.

Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter.

Helena Bonham Carter as The Red Queen

Anne Hathaway as The White Queen

Mia Wasikowska as Alice

Tweedledee and Tweedledum

Monday, June 22, 2009



Film at 11...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Movies

Finally an original movie in Hollywood! Expect to see sequels. I must admit I did not expect this movie to be as good as it is nor did I expect to laugh my ass off. I am currently assless on account of all the laughing I did at this movie.

This is probably going to be the best movie of the summer so save your 11 bucks for The Hangover. Transformers 2 looks like it's going to stink like an enormous steaming pile of dead fish on top of hot garbage. I only say this because like the mythical King MidASS, anything Michael Bay touches turns to poo. Transformers was like watching a 2 hour car commercial. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to offend the makers of car commercials here, because they tend to have more of a compelling story than this movie had...

I vow to never see Transformers 2... but don't hold me to that as I can easily get sucked into movie hype. I eventually caved and saw Terminator Salvation. The director, McG, has the directorial depth of a dinobot.


When the CGI Arnold Schwarzenegger shows up as the T-800 toward tend of T4 it's kind of hokey. Yeah, it's nice to see that Arnold's image makes an appearance, but we're taken right out of the movie at this moment and reminded that this is really just an obligatory nod. Terminator Salvation lacked the vision and sheer logic of he first 2 movies. McG doesn't really tie this movie into the series in a crafty way.

In the remaining 2 sequels that are to come I think the writers should take it from me here. When the Resistance inevitably infiltrates Cyberdyne to send Kyle Reese and the Terminator back through time to protect his mother and his juvenile self, they should do it all in one mission. That is to say, don't make it so simple to break into the technologically superior enemy base and travel through time. Economize...

I say they should simply have Kyle Reese infiltrate cyberdine, help reprogram the T-800, then send himself back to 1984 (T1) and the T-800 Terminator back to 1991 (T2) all in one mission from the same point in the future... make sense? (Oh, and let's just forget about T-3 alltogether... please? can we? Okay if he must, just amend my plot proposal to include the third turd of a Terminator movie)

Just consolidate their mission, ya know? Make it actually seem like they only have one chance to get it right!

So just take it from me Hollywood, it would make so much more sense and be way more compelling.